La fonética perceptiva: trascendencia lingüística de mecanismos neuropsicofisiológicos



phonetics, perception, Spanish


In the following pages we review the main bases from which the study of phonetics can be approached from a perceptual point of view. After placing it in a linguistic context, we discuss their main constraints: the neurophysioanatomical patterns and its psychoacoustical functioning, as well as the relationships between perception and production. The core of our presentation is a summary of major findings in the perceptual study of subsegmental and segmental levels in the Spanish phonic system.


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How to Cite

Marrero Aguiar, V. (2008). La fonética perceptiva: trascendencia lingüística de mecanismos neuropsicofisiológicos. Journal of Experimental Phonetics, 17, 207–245. Retrieved from


