BATVOX: sistema automático de reconocimiento de locutor


  • Beatriz González Sigüenza


text independent and language independent



The aim of this work is to provide a general vision on the automatic speaker recognition system BATVOX, and to describe the blueprint of its functioning. For this purpose, we will give an overview of the main features of the system. We will recall briefly the theoretical bases of the technology used by BATVOX to perform its calculations, and we will mention the basic processes that undergoes an audio file when it is introduced in the system. This implies that we will see how the system carries out the characteristics extraction process, the parameterization and the training of the audio files.


GONZÁLEZ-RODRIGUEZ, J.; D. TORRE TOLEDANO y J. ORTEGA-GARCÍA (2008): «Voice biometrics», en A. K. Jain., P. Flynn y A. A. Ross (eds): Handbook of Biometrics, capítulo 8. pp. 151-170.

GONZALEZ-RODRIGUEZ, J.; A. DRYGAJLO; D. RAMOS-CASTRO; M. GARCIA-GOMAR y J. ORTEGA-GARCIA (2006): «Robust Estimation, interpretation and assessment of likelihood ratios in forensic speaker recognition», Computer Speech and Language, vol. 20, pp. 331-335.



How to Cite

González Sigüenza, B. (2008). BATVOX: sistema automático de reconocimiento de locutor. Journal of Experimental Phonetics, 17, 301–316. Retrieved from


