The intensity of the TV spoken news
news locution, television, intensity, acoustic analysisAbstract
The intensity is the third of the prosodic parameters in the oral expressiveness –along with the intonation and the rhythm. It has had little academic attention in the field of social news communication given the great difficulties of analysis and its connection to basic emotions. Nevertheless, not only there is a tendency to transmit some kind of emotion during news reading, but there is also specific type of modulation for the case of TV news reading. This “discoursive function” of the intensity (referential and structural) is contrasted and described in the article by means of an acoustic analysis of 12 units of news, excerpts extracted from three different styles of locution in the typical units of beginning and end of the news. For the acoustic analysis, we have worked out levels of expressiveness-structure of intensity, discriminating the phonological and lexical functions, and observing and describing the intensity modulations in the discursive and the semantic parts of every piece of news according to its theme, phase and style. Results show a structural intensity based on the wave effect of the intensity curve and the periodic semántic-reference based prominences in the standard referential genre at the beginning of news, and a structural intensity based on intensity falls or early and persistent final coda of intensity in the standard and exclamative genre at the end of news.
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