Analysis of melodic curves of Spanish in simulated emotional speech
melody, emotions, intonationAbstract
The goal of this work is to analyse acoustically the phonetic manifestation of the six basic emotions (anger, disgust, joy, fear, sadness, surprise) in the melodic curves of Spanish. 5.859 utterances, both neutral and emotional, taken from the Spanish INTERFACE corpus, were processed using MelAn, the tool for the automatic analysis of melodic curves described in Garrido (2010), to obtain data about the global (tonal range and height) and local (melodic patterns) behaviour of the melodic curves in a wide corpus of emotional speech. The obtained results confirm the conclusions of previous studies: the expression of emotion in Spanish is shown using changes in the tonal range and height, at global level, and rise-fall boundary patterns, at local level. The data of this work show, in addition, that the use of this melodic correlates is not general to all the analysed emotions, and that it seems to exist a relation between the degree of activation of emotions and the use of these correlates. They indicate also that declination slope can be an additional global parameter to distinguish neutral and emotional speech. Finally, the use of stress patterns specific of emotional speech has not been observed.
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