Aspectos de fonética y ortografía en anuncios publicitarios



phonetics, orthography, advertisements, breach of the rules, stylistic resource


One of the many applications of phonetics studies for students in the Faculty of Education is to raise their awareness, as future school teachers, of how they speak and write Spanish in their everyday lives. To analyse messages in both verbal and visual form, we have at our disposal an extraordinarily valuable resource for the classroom, namely, advertisements. We propose a formal analysis of a series of graphic advertisements in which there is play on letters, accentuation and intonation in the message, so that students can appreciate how a simple breach of the rules can become a creative resource in the semiotics of the discourse of advertising.


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How to Cite

Carrera de la Red, M. F. (2009). Aspectos de fonética y ortografía en anuncios publicitarios. Journal of Experimental Phonetics, 18, 35–44. Retrieved from


