Clash silábico y desplazamiento acentual en el español canario
Syllabic clash takes place when two or more strong syllables are in succession or in vicinity in a spoken sequence. For example, in English thir´teen ´men, ´three ´red ´shirts, in Spanish pri´mer ´niño, ´tu ´das ´todo, in Swedish Kap´ten ´Andersson, and so forth in many languages. Phonetic and phonological studies have considered that sequences like these are cacophonous or not natural. For that reason speakers of any language have an entire series of resources dedicated to avoid them: stress shift, lengthening or reduction of one of the stressed syllables, insertion of a pause between the strong syllables, etc.
The purpose of this study is to check the use of stress shift as a way of avoiding the clash in the Canarian Spanish speech. Acoustical cues analyzed were time, pitch and intensity. Values obtained were subjected to a statistical treatment (analysis of Anova).
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