Características acústicas de las vocales altas anteriores del inglés


  • Carmen Elena Contreras Oller Universidad de Los Andes (Mérida)


This paper represents a revision of representative values for the acoustic features in two English vowels /iː/  /ɪ/. This revision was performed with the cooperation of four native speakers of English and six Venezuelan learners of English as a foreign language. A sound data base was created with the oral productions of these informants for its later acoustic analysis at the Phonetics Lab. Univ. of The Andes. This analysis provided values related to the quality, quantity and intensity of each vowel and allowed the determination of some aspects in relation to: 1) The physical elements responsible for each vowel quality; 2) The differences and similarities between the reported values in traditional bibliography and the values here obtained; and 3) the presence or absence of Spanish acoustic feature transfer in the learners' productions of English vocalic phonemes.



How to Cite

Contreras Oller, C. E. (1996). Características acústicas de las vocales altas anteriores del inglés. Journal of Experimental Phonetics, 8, 127–152. Retrieved from


