Aspects prosodiques du discours hétérogène diaphonique


  • Janina Espuny Universitat de Barcelona


In the analysis of heterogeneous discourse fragments in the oral face-to-face dialogues, where the diaphonic reproductions are not generally attributed explicitly to the addressee, it is difficult to recognize the enunciative will of the speaker, that is to say, the responsibility of the reproduced segments by the speaker. Prosodic dimension informs about kinds of intonative contours of discourse segments and gives a solution to the problem: the speaker indicates that he appropriates the other's discourse or, just the opposite, that he refuses to embrace the reproduced utterance by intonation. A neutral intonation of the reproduced utterance draws a distance between the speakers and indicates that the speaker's discourse continues or either that it changes to his own reply. This intonation is different from other types of contours (assertive, interrogative, etc.) which indicate that the speaker appropriates the other speaker's words.



How to Cite

Espuny, J. (1996). Aspects prosodiques du discours hétérogène diaphonique. Journal of Experimental Phonetics, 8, 271–295. Retrieved from


