Estudi de la duració de les consonants en el context de final i principi de paraula en català i en castellà


  • Marta Guspí Saiz


Our aim with this work is to provide new data for the studies of the duration of consonants in those contexts they geminate, either in catalan or spahish. So we have done two experiments: the first one, is about consonants production when they are placed in the contexts of beginning or ending a word, when the last consonant of a word either coincides with the first consonant of the next word or contacts with a vowel; the second experiment is about consonants perception, as a method to test if duration could be a noticeable indicator of gemination.

Our intention, then, is to provide new data for the hypothesis wich suggests that geminate consonants are longer than single consonants, and to especify the degree in wich duration differences are noticeable.




How to Cite

Guspí Saiz, M. (1993). Estudi de la duració de les consonants en el context de final i principi de paraula en català i en castellà. Journal of Experimental Phonetics, 5, 191–221. Retrieved from


