Exploring variables affecting vowel sequences across word boundaries in Peninsular Spanish
vowel sequences, word boundaries, sandhi, hiatus, Peninsular SpanishAbstract
This article presents an analysis of variables that can influence the behavior of vowel sequences across word boundaries in Peninsular Spanish. The analyses have been conducted using the following variables: vowel type, syllable type, word type, articulation rate, stress, and the position of the sequence in the utterance. Results show that combinations with stress favor maintenance when considering the main accent of the utterance and the sequence’s position at the utterance boundary. On the other hand, vowel type, syllable type, and word type have presented fewer effects than stress on the preference to maintain the hiatus or contract it in any way, as there was a tendency for sandhi in almost all types of combinations. Lastly, articulation rate has shown higher rates correlating with increased likelihoods of sequence contraction.
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