Enseñanza de la fonética y la fonología del español con juegos
Una aplicación al aula universitaria
games, phonetics, phonology, teaching, university degreeAbstract
In order to validate the hypothesis that some games may be more effective learning tools than individual practices corrected in groups, in the 2021–22 and 2022–23 academic years, we divided a Spanish Phonetics and Phonology class (from the Degree in Español: Lengua y Literatura offered by the University of Burgos in Spain) into two homogeneous, but random groups (5 to 7 members each): the experimental group employed playful activities; the control group analyzed articulatory profiles with the teacher. The students’ previous knowledge was evaluated and then compared with the knowledge acquired after finishing the sessions and the course (a partial test and the final course grade). Satisfaction was always high. The results support the use of games, but not in a systematic way.
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