




The issue of “Matter. Journal of New Materialist Research” we offer our readers this summer consists of the articles, texts, and reviews that undertake a variety of research topics, methodologies, and approaches within new materialisms. This issue is about putting theory to practice. Through this very gesture the complex and multilayered entanglements and relationalities are revealed. How biology, medical conditions, politics, and economy are in the performative conversations? How an effort to produce knowledge otherwise is permeated with bodily-technology and collective becomings beyond binary logics? How human-non-human encounters challenge the object-subject division? How to look for “queerer forms of intimacy”, create a “community of oddkin”, and “defamiliarize” the apparently familiar? How neuroqueerdiversity is experienced, felt from within, constructed, and performed? How might it guide us into more just human-more-than-human entangled worlds? The authors contributing to this issue are challenging the readers with the above-mentioned questions introducing range of topics and approaches.


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Author Biography

Monika Rogowska-Stangret, University of Bialystok

Monika Rogowska-Stangret, Assistant Professor at the Institute of Philosophy, University of Bialystok, philosopher conducting research at the intersection of feminist philosophy, environmental humanities, and critical posthumanism, translator. She was a member of the Management Committee in the European project New Materialism: Networking European Scholarship on “How Matter Comes to Matter”, European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST), Action IS 1307 (2013-2018). She published in, among others, „Feminist Theory” (2020), „Philosophy Today” (2019), „The Minnesota Review: A Journal of Creative and Critical Writing” (2017). She is the editor-in-chief of “Matter: Journal of New Materialist Research”.





