Notes Toward an Anarchist Theory of Life: Three Animist Ontologies




Anarchism, Animism, Antifascism, Fetishism, Humour, Indigeneity, Ontology, Pluriversality


This article explores affinities between New Materialisms, anarchism, and varieties of Indigenous thought. It is suggested that all three share an animist ontology, a certain pragmatist and “meta-fetishistic" stance, a distrust of vertical thinking, a preference for horizontal arrangements, and even a kind of comedic “theory of life”. Taken together, these set New Materialisms on a firmly antifascist basis, helping to answer the frequent charge that they lack clear political commitments. Having made that argument, I then want to open up for consideration some ethical questions about life so theorised and explore some possible ways forward.


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Author Biography

Jesse Cohn, Purdue University Northwest in Hammond, Indiana, United States of America

Jesse Cohn teaches literature, popular culture, and theory at Purdue University Northwest in Indiana. His works include Underground Passages: Anarchist Resistance Culture, 1848–2011 (2014) and Hot Equations: Science, Fantasy, and the Radical Imagination on a Troubled Planet (2024).


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