The Usefulness of the Legal Concept of Human Dignity in the Human Rights Discourse: Literature Review


  • Borja Fernandez Burgueño

Paraules clau:

Dignity, Human rights, Democracy


This paper will evaluate the convenience of using the legal concept of human dignity in the human rights discourse and its effectiveness to address injustice in a twenty-first century democratic society. This article will argue that the difficulty of defining human dignity does not diminish its merits and allows it to be both solid and adaptable to new challenges. Then, this paper will argue that human dignity is a powerful concept due to its capacity to bring change and modernise society and will conclude that there is a strong relationship between time, human dignity, human rights and democracy.


Biografia de l'autor/a

Borja Fernandez Burgueño

Borja Fernández Burgueño ha sido colaborador jurídico externo de la Delegación en España del Alto Comisionado de Naciones Unidas para los Refugios y está actualmente trabajando en Banco de España. Es autor de varios artículos académicos y de dos capítulos del manual sobre la Convención de 2005 de la UNESCO “Una Convención para la diversidad Cultural” (Editorial Trotta, en prensa). Ha estudiado Derecho y Administración y Dirección de Empresas en la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos.




Com citar

Fernandez Burgueño, B. (2016). The Usefulness of the Legal Concept of Human Dignity in the Human Rights Discourse: Literature Review. OXIMORA Revista Internacional d’Ètica I Política, (8), 9–19. Retrieved from


