
Login or Register to make a submission.

Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • I declare that the submitted proposal is original and unpublished.
  • I declare that the submitted proposal does not have any editorial commitment nor is it in the process of being evaluated by another journal or non-periodic publication.
  • I confirm that the submitted proposal meets the terms of a current call for participation and the guidelines for authors.

Author Guidelines

The works submitted must be original, unpublished and not be in the process of evaluation or have editorial commitments with any other publication. As part of the submission process, the authors will be required to declare the originality of their proposal on a submission preparation checklist.

All articles will be submitted to a double-blind peer review process as it is explained in Editorial Policies. Likewise, as stated in the Declaration of Publisihing Ethics and Best Practices of the University of Barcelona, the editorial team is responsible for carrying out the evaluation and publication process impartially and fairly. A specific affiliation or academic degree is not required, the original work being welcome, within the scientific, academic and/or social field of any person, university, research center or institution. OXIMORA does not use Article Processing Charges (APC), does not request payment to carry out the proposal evaluation or any other phase of the publication.

The proposal submission process includes:

  • Register and/or log in as an author on the site.
  • Select the section for which the proposal is submitted (Articles, Critical reviews or Interviews) and the language of the presentation.
  • Agree to the terms of the copyright notice upon submission and accept the declaration of originality by completing the submission preparation checklist.
  • Upload the submission, which must be a file in Word or similar editable format and, enter the metadata of the author and the proposal, including the abstract and keywords, both in the original language and in English, or in Spanish or Catalan if the proposal is in English.

Authors will receive an email confirming their submission and a response to their proposal within one month from the close of the call, as it is detailed in the Peer Evaluation Process.

Proposals must be prepared for blind evaluation, omitting references to authorship that will be incorporated later if the editorial decision is favorable, and eliminating the metadata of user information from the word processor.

Complementary files may be uploaded where, among others, the appropriate acknowledgments may be made, and the financial and material support received, if any, as well as the recognition of the research project/s in which it has been carried out, when this is the case. The complementary files can also be used to send biographical notes, images or non-editable versions, but in no case do they replace the correct information in the proposal’s metadata.

We urge authors to avoid bad practices such as duplicate publication, self-plagiarism or plagiarism. To prevent the latter, the Technical/Editorial Committee uses the program of plagiarism detection and prevention URKUND, as it is explained in Plagiarism prevention.

Text format

Times New Roman 12 pt or other standard fonts, such as Arial or Helvetica, 1.5 spacing. Left alignment. DIN-A4 page size. Margins 2.5 cm. Footnotes must be in Times New Roman 10 pt, single spaced.


Articles and interviews: five thousand to eight thousand words (± two thousand words) including abstracts, bibliography and keywords (15 to 20 pages approximately). Photographs, maps, graphs, illustrations and tables can be counted separately.

Critical reviews: three thousand words (± thousand words; 5 to 10 pages approximately). Critical reviews –essay or scientific style of works related to the proposed topic and/or the editorial profile of the journal that have been published during the last three to five years will be accepted, including the case of reissues of classic or antique works.

Titles and sections

The title should express the nature and orientation of the proposal in a clear and concise manner. The division of the text into subsections that favor the reading is recommended. The sections will be presented listed in Arabic figures. Titles and subtitles in bold.

Abstract / abstract and keywords

Proposed articles must include an abstract of between 100 and 200 words approximately and its translation into English. It is important that the abstract allows potential readers an accurate understanding of what they will find in the text, so it must be adequate in this regard. Four or five keywords will be included in the original language (Catalan, Spanish, Portuguese or Italian) and in English. The title translated into this language will also be included. Proposals written in English must present the abstract and keywords also in Spanish or Catalan.

Author’s data

The data of the author or authors, as well as their affiliation, trajectory, etc., must be entered in the metadata of the proposal through the journal system. However, a separate document may also be sent with the name of the author and the title of the proposed article that includes some lines of a biographical nature, contact details, statement of funding or, in the event that the article is the result of some research, the information of the project of which it is part.

The title, abstract and keywords must be included in the original language and in English, both in the metadata of the article through the journal system and in the document with the body of the proposal attached.


In general, in-text citation and bibliographic references of the Harvard-APA style and publication system will be used (Surname, year: page).

Example 1: “An effective structure is important” (Redman, 2006: 22).

Example 2: Cormack (1994) states that “when writing for a professional readership, writers invariably make reference to already published Works” (32).

Explanatory footnotes are allowed.


Books: Last name, Initial of the author's name. (year). Title. Place of publication: Editorial. Example: Commoner, B. (1990). At peace with the planet. Barcelona: Drakantos.

Article in a book: Surname, Initial of the first name. (year of publication). The name of the item. In Initial of the name. Surname, (Ed.) Or coordinator (Coord.). (year). Title of the book. Publishing place: Editorial. Example: Rossi, R. (2001). Callicott's Environmental Philosophy: between a Multiculturalism and a Universal Ecocentric Ethic. In J. Issa (coord.). (1978). The Paths of Environmental Ethics: An Anthology of Contemporary Texts. México D.F .: Plaza y Valdés.

Journal article: Surname, Initial of the name. (year). Article title. Name of the journal, Number (volume or volume), pages. Example: Hassan, R. (1982). On Human Rights and the Qur’anic Perspective. Journal of Ecumenical Studies, 19 (3), 51-65.

Electronic references: Last name, First initial. (year). Title of the article, Date of consultation, Name of the site, in http. Examples: Alexander, J. (2001). Evaluating Electronic Sources. Wolfgram Library, at


Philosophical or social philosophical research articles, framed in the editorial line of the journal, that respond to the current call for participations will be selected, as it is explained in Submissions.

The content of the texts must be critical and in accordance with the editorial policies and the Guidelines for authors.

The evaluation of proposals will estimate the consistency of the research, its thematic suitability and the development of the argumentation, the relevance and/or originality, as well as its formal and methodological precision.

Book reviews

For this section, previously called “Reviews”, critical reviews of books and/or sets of books related to the editorial policies and focus of the journal will be selected.

When the current call for papers is thematic, the works will also have to respond to the subject of the call.

The works must have been published within the three to five years immediately prior to the presentation of the proposal, including the case of reissues of classic or antique works.

Submissions must be in accordance with what is established in the Guidelines for authors. The Technical/Editorial Committee will determine their relevance and decides their publication.


Interviews with relevant authors according with editorial policies and the current call for papers as explained in Submissions, will be selected.

The format of the interview will be the responsibility of the author, provided that it responds to the editorial policies and the Guidelines for authors. The Technical/Editorial Committee will determine their relevance and decides their publication.

Privacy Statement

Body responsible

Office of the General Secretary of the University of Barcelona


If you register as an author or reviewer, the objective will be to organize the completion of the different functions associated with the journal to which you register. If you register as a reader, the objective will be to send you information about the journal to which you register.

Legitimate basis

Consent of the interested party

Target audience

The University and those responsible for the processing, if applicable. The transfer of data to third parties is not covered, except when there is a legal obligation.


Right of access, right to rectification, right to erasure of your data, right to request data portability and restriction of processing.

Additional information

For further information, please visit this link: