Moving towards Freirean Critical Pedagogy: Redefining Competence-based Curricula through Participatory Action Research as Resistance to the Neoliberalization of Higher Education in Spain


  • Ana Fernández-Aballí Altamirano Departament of Communication Pompeu Fabra University
  • Irene Da Rocha Departament of Communication Pompeu Fabra University
  • Matilde Obradors Departament of Communication Pompeu Fabra University


Critical pedagogy, neoliberalism, competences, participatory action research, Paulo Freire


The neoliberalization of higher education in Spain has been consolidating through its integration process to the European Higher Education Area. In this context, competence-based curricula have become an instrument to create a model of education and citizenship in which market values override solidarity, justice and community well-being. There is, however, still room to shift the teaching-learning space. Using Freirean critical pedagogy to redefine the curriculum through the implementation of Participatory Action Research (PAR) in the classroom provides a methodological approach within and despite current EHEA policies to revert the neoliberalization of higher education.



Author Biographies

Ana Fernández-Aballí Altamirano, Departament of Communication Pompeu Fabra University

Ana Fernández-Aballí Altamirano is researcher and teacher in the Communication Department at Pompeu Fabra University. BA in Economics, MSC in Communication and Design and currently finishing her PhD in Social Communication. Member of the Theatre of the Oppressed group La Xixa Teatre, working as a trainer, research and acto-activist. Correspondence to: Ana Fernández-Aballí, Pompeu Fabra University, C/ Roc Boronat 138, 08018 – Barcelona, Spain. E-mail:

Irene Da Rocha, Departament of Communication Pompeu Fabra University

Ph.D. Irene Da Rocha is project manager of the European Erasmus LLP project “Integrated Journalism in Europe” (2012-15), teacher at Universitat Oberta of Catalunya and Pompeu Fabra University.  Her research focuses on the convergence of media and teaching innovation. Correspondence to: PhD Irene Da Rocha Fort, Pompeu Fabra University, C/ Roc Boronat 138, 08018 – Barcelona, Spain. E-mail:

Matilde Obradors, Departament of Communication Pompeu Fabra University

Ph.D. Matilde Obradors is Professor and researcher. Member of UNICA (Audiovisual Communication Research Unit), Faculty Vice-Dean and Senior Lecturer in the Department of Communication at Pompeu Fabra University in Barcelona. Specialist in new audiovisual formats. Professor of Creative Practice, Innovation and Ideation Techniques. PhD Matilde Obradors Barba, Pompeu Fabra University, C/ Roc Boronat 138, 08018 – Barcelona, Spain. E-mail:




How to Cite

Fernández-Aballí Altamirano, A., Da Rocha, I., & Obradors, M. (2015). Moving towards Freirean Critical Pedagogy: Redefining Competence-based Curricula through Participatory Action Research as Resistance to the Neoliberalization of Higher Education in Spain. OXIMORA International Journal of Ethics and Politics, (6), 1–26. Retrieved from