Pensar la epistemología universitaria en el debate contemporáneo


  • Francisco Jose Presta, De las casas Licenciado en filosofia UNC Argentina.


Global market, epistemology, dialectic, institutionalization of knowledge


This article discusses the epistemological situation in college while institutionalization of knowledge is traversed by the demands of the world market. Also it highlights a historical route that realizes the system of epistemic standards that characterize scientific productivity always unattainable in relation to social reality plaintiff. Finally, we will consider how social demands in terms of market force to keep in mind both the theoretical development as well as in the technical productivity of the university, a concept of science-oriented purpose.

Author Biography

Francisco Jose Presta, De las casas, Licenciado en filosofia UNC Argentina.

Adcripto en la catedra de filosofia politica I, en el area de filosofia y humanidades. UNC.



How to Cite

Presta, De las casas, F. J. (2015). Pensar la epistemología universitaria en el debate contemporáneo. OXIMORA International Journal of Ethics and Politics, (6), 83–93. Retrieved from