Nuevos (des)enfoques materialistas: Una mirada feminista en torno a la interdependencia de las producciones


  • Andrea Corrales Devesa


Feminisms, postmodernism, body, feminist economies, Authorship, inmaterial goods, materialism.


Contemporary feminists approaches to the management of the materiality of the existence are in connexion with the methodological urgencies that are essential in the field of the management of intangible goods. Approaches that came from the critical processes of Modernity's essentialism and his colonial heritage: critical processes where the body has been the key. The present paper makes an rizomatical aproach to the autorship problematics facing a new political context based on material and interconnected processes of production.

Author Biography

Andrea Corrales Devesa

Investigadora dependiente - Programa de Estudios Independientes (MACBA) / Máster en Estudios Museísticos y Teoría Crítica (UAB). Máster en Investigación en prácticas artísticas y visuales por la UCLM-Cuenca.Licenciada en Bellas Artes por la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha.



How to Cite

Corrales Devesa, A. (2015). Nuevos (des)enfoques materialistas: Una mirada feminista en torno a la interdependencia de las producciones. OXIMORA International Journal of Ethics and Politics, (7), 160–182. Retrieved from