From the ethical code to the international convention. A critical panorama of the World Tourism Organization from the cosmopolitanism perspective


  • José L. López-González Universitat Jaume I



Tourism, Convention, Code of ethics, UNWTO, Cosmopolitanism


This work addresses a critical analysis of the nature of cosmopolitan order encouraged by the World Tourism Organization. Given the growth of tourism activity and the challenges that it poses, this specialized agency of the United Nations has formally promoted equitable, responsible and sustainable development of tourism. However, the criticism of the principles from which the organization shapes tourism has put the focus on the objectives pursued. The conversion of these principles, included in the Global Code of Ethics for Tourism, adopted in 1999, into an international convention, approved in September 2017, presents a new scene that this work outlines from the cosmopolitanism perspective.

Author Biography

José L. López-González, Universitat Jaume I

Universitat Jaume I

Departamento de Filosofía y Sociología

Despacho HC0416DD

Investigador FPI-UJI


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How to Cite

López-González, J. L. (2018). From the ethical code to the international convention. A critical panorama of the World Tourism Organization from the cosmopolitanism perspective. OXIMORA International Journal of Ethics and Politics, (12), 205–223.


