Sharing Economy or Enhanced Commodification? An Analysis of Electronic Work Platforms from Gerald A. Cohen’s Philosophy




Sharing Economy, Gerald A. Cohen, Commodification, Labour Relations, Capitalism


This article is an approach to relations between employers and workers in economic work platforms from the so-called “sharing economy” based on Gerald A. Cohen’s philosophy and his definition of market reciprocity. Among all the implications of the sharing economy, my purpose is to analyse the kind of motivations that appear in an important part of its economic exchanges. The main goal of the article is to explain why, when compared with another model of relations between employers and workers such as the one belonging to labour relations in vertically integrated production, economic exchanges in electronic work platforms reflect an increased significance of commodifying motivations.

Author Biography

Jesús Mora, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

Doctorando en Estudios Avanazados en Derechos Humanos en la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid


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How to Cite

Mora, J. (2019). Sharing Economy or Enhanced Commodification? An Analysis of Electronic Work Platforms from Gerald A. Cohen’s Philosophy. OXIMORA International Journal of Ethics and Politics, (14), 41–60.