Dialectic and End of History: Merleau-Ponty and the Possibility of Politics


  • Maximiliano Basilio Cladakis UNSAM, CONICET




Merleau-Ponty, Dialectic, Marxism, Politics


The following article aims to address merleau-pontyan understanding of dialectics outside of the idea of "end of history". The dialectic, freed from this last notion, opens the possibility of politics as a permanent and irreducible tension of the human world. The history is presented, then, as the "medium" where we deploy our existence in a permanent relationship with others, and not in a deterministic process where its realization would mean the elimination-elimination of all contradictions. The approach of the french philosopher, as the author will try to demostrate, has as a correlate the understanding of political life as an intersubjective frame where social conflicts should be channeled through institutional means.

Author Biography

Maximiliano Basilio Cladakis, UNSAM, CONICET

Doctor en Filosofía por la Unsam. Docente de la Carrera de Filosofía de la Escuela de Humanidades de dicha institución. Investigador Asistente del CONICET.


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How to Cite

Cladakis, M. B. (2019). Dialectic and End of History: Merleau-Ponty and the Possibility of Politics. OXIMORA International Journal of Ethics and Politics, (15), 137–151. https://doi.org/10.1344/oxi.2019.i15.28766


