Deleuze and Spinoza towards an ethological conception of ethics




Desire, Revolution, Ethology, Ethics, Immanence, Conatus


This research work is a reconstruction of Spinoza's materialistic ontology using the philosophy of Gilles Deleuze, to focus on an ethology. That is why, first, the nature of Spinoza's radical ethics will be compared along with Deleuze's immanent ethics. At the same time, Spinoza's ethological philosophy and the notion of agency (conatus) will be analyzed. In the last part of this article, we will see how these concepts have influenced the formulation of Deleuze and Guattari of an immanent politics of desire, minoritarian and collective. And finally, it will be explained how this radical theory of ethics can produce the layout of a nomadic policy or a revolution to-come.

Author Biography

Eduardo Alberto León, Flacso

Docente e investigador especialista en la obra Gilles Deleuze


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How to Cite

León, E. A. (2021). Deleuze and Spinoza towards an ethological conception of ethics. OXIMORA International Journal of Ethics and Politics, (18), 19–36.


