John Rawls: Reasonability as a Demarcation of Objectivity


  • Elnora Gondim UFPI
  • Tiago Tendai Chingore Universidade Licungo



objectivity, Rawls, reasonableness, original position, political liberalism


In the late Rawlsian theory objectivity is evaluated by the reasonability parameter. However, to arrive at such a finding, Rawls has come a long way. From A Theory of Justice to Political Liberalism many writings favored their theoretical development, where the reasonable tends to take priority over the rational, although both are complementary. This aspect is seen primarily in the Original Position, guaranteeing the autonomy of the parties in a political sense. It should be noted here that reasonableness is not related to a theory of truth, but only to a sense of justice, in a concrete situation, in which the notions of person and society are shared and present in a public culture.

Author Biographies

Elnora Gondim, UFPI

Doutorado em Filosofia

Tiago Tendai Chingore, Universidade Licungo

Doutorado em Filosofia


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How to Cite

Gondim, E., & Tendai Chingore, T. (2021). John Rawls: Reasonability as a Demarcation of Objectivity. OXIMORA International Journal of Ethics and Politics, (18), 141–152.


