The Philosophy that Shapes the Being of Peronism
Fascism, Peronism, Giovanni Gentile, Juan Domingo Perón, Augusto Del NoceAbstract
This paper argues that Peronism is an adaptation of the Italian Fascism into Argentine politics, understanding that the essence of Fascism is inspired by the philosophy of Giovanni Gentile. Likewise, the Actualism is the product of the dissociation operated by the same philosopher —towards the end of the 19th Century—, between materialism and dialectics. With the aim of analyze the Peronist Movement from a rigorous philosophical point of view, it is used the transpolitics interpretation proposed by Del Noce. The main text chosen for the aforementioned examination, without excluding others, is the conference that Perón gave at the National Congress of Philosophy, held in Mendoza (Argentina) in 1949, and which was later published as The Organized Community.
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