Platform Society: Economy and Regulation




Platform Society, Economy, Regulation, Practices, Social Settings


Taking into consideration that digital media are constituted as essential cultural aspects of current social reality, the article proposes an approach to the term platform society to investigate the complex relation between the actions of Internet consortia, the routines of use towards a productive management of digital media and the growing role of technology in everyday life. From a sociological and praxeological point of view, this article characterizes and describes some phenomena of the digital platforms economy and the process of regulating their infrastructure. In the digital platforms is used a wide spectrum of media practices that penetrate deeply into social settings. These practices are based on the norms and policies that the platforms establish. Thus, these are also used in the infosphere as regulatory mechanisms of the users activity and behavior, while Internet consortia divert, analyze and process large amounts of data and classify them as raw materials. The goal of this article is to examine the thesis, that digital platforms with their technical infrastructures oriented to services provision, generate an organizational culture that transforms social settings and modifies media practices.


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How to Cite

García Hernández, R. (2022). Platform Society: Economy and Regulation. OXIMORA International Journal of Ethics and Politics, (20), 61–82.