The Repair of Watches. Political Approaches to Queer Temporality




Queer temporality, Chrononormativity, Utopia, Politics


This article exposes what queer temporality is and what it consists of in order to account for some of the most relevant contributions in this emerging field of study, as well as outlining the dialogue between the different theoretical proposals regarding the political articulation of what is queer. Thus, based on a joint reading of Lee Edelman, Jack Halberstam, Heather Love, José Esteban Muñoz, Elizabeth Freeman, Sara Ahmed and Lorenzo Bernini, the question of the temporality of affects is addressed in relation to the debate on assimilation and political transgression in queer culture. The postulation of a queer politics of time opposes reproductive futurism and chrononormativity, temporal translations of heteronormativity that reveal the link between the erotic, sexual and gender issues and the temporal ones. The controversy between Edelman and Muñoz is relevant, because they discuss the viability of an emancipatory future horizon for queer politics, and the former represents the position of negativity against the utopianism of the latter.


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How to Cite

Conde Arroyo, P. (2022). The Repair of Watches. Political Approaches to Queer Temporality. OXIMORA International Journal of Ethics and Politics, (21), 60–78.


