The Problem of Individual Freedom in the Context of the COVID-19 Pan-demic
Notes from Republicanism
Republicanism, Pandemic, State, Individual Liberty, DominationAbstract
The main objective of the article is to explore, from republicanism, the problem of the scope and limits of individual freedom during the pandemic. To this end, it is considered that a significant percentage of the world's population, in the name of defending freedom, opposed the mandatory use of masks, the prohibition of meetings, the closure of borders and the requirement for vaccination passes. But was it justified to interpret these government measures as attacks against freedom? Can a genuinely free life only be equivalent to a life with very few civic obligations? Furthermore, what relationship exists between this way of understanding freedom and the hegemonic liberal and neoliberal approaches in current democratic societies? And what can be the contribution of republicanism to address the legitimate borders of both individual freedom and State action in times of crisis like these?
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