The Impact of Post-Colonial Feminist Philosophy on Western Feminist Epistemology. A Dialogue Between Beauvoir and Mohanty
Epistemology, Feminism, Post-Colonial Feminism, Epistemological Colonialism, Beauvoir, MohantyAbstract
This essay seeks to analyze the impact of post-colonial feminist philosophy on Western feminist philosophy, through the epistemic categories of analysis, the concept of universality, objectivity and the epistemological model and the model of knowledge production. Thanks to Simone de Beauvoir's text, Deuxième sexe and Mohanty’s text Thirld World Woman, a dialogue is initiated on the category of "woman", over the production of this category as universal and objective, and the epistemological consequences of it. The aim of this essay is to argue how post-colonial feminist philosophy proposes an epistemological shift within the framework of traditional feminist philosophy, epistemology and knowledge production, by introducing new lines of research that redefine the Western paradigm and new methods in reference to the knowledge model.
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