Theology, Psychoanalysis and Materialism. The Question of Temporality in the Work of Th. W. Adorno
Dialectics, Materialism, Memory, Psychoanalysis, TheologyAbstract
The purpose of this paper is to investigate the concept of temporality in Th. W. Adorno's theory, with special emphasis on its normative dimension. From the maxim “critique of knowledge is critique of society”, it follows that the settling of accounts that he carries out in his epistemological plane in his masterpiece, Negative Dialectics, with respect to speculative dialectics and phenomenology, will have its correlate in the revision of one of the central aspects of the idealist system, i.e., his philosophy of history. However, his aim is not simply to set aside this discipline, but, through its exploration, to occupy the empty terrain left by it, that is, to question the role of memory. It is in the conjunction of theology, psychoanalysis and materialism that adornian philosophy will allow us to rethink the modalities of articulation of the past with the present, outside both an etapist-evolutionist scheme, as well as those positions that maintain that the present is only the repetition of the past.
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