The baroque archive in The Death of Luis XIV


  • Virginia Trueba Mira Universitat de Barcelona


Albert Serra, archive, representation, fold, baroque


The purpose of this article is to think about Albert Serra's film, The Death of Luis XIV (2017), from the perspective provided by the baroque archive it contains. An archive will be understood as a referential (and audiovisual) space that can be traversed in multiple ways, a conception defended and practiced by Michael Foucault starting in the sixties. Moreover, the archive will be itself baroque in so far as it focuses on the displacements of that period, such as the one that affects the new image of the world and its representation, a subject that Deleuze studied in 1988 under the concept of “fold”. By using the theoretical framework provided by these authors, The Death of Luis XIV is analyzed as a film that puts to work various folds of baroque, not to reproduce them but to create from them something new. 

Author Biography

Virginia Trueba Mira, Universitat de Barcelona

Profesora titular de Filología Hispánica, Dpto. Fiolologia Hispànica, Teoria de la Literatura i Comunicació



How to Cite

Trueba Mira, V. (2018). The baroque archive in The Death of Luis XIV. 452ºF. Revista De Teoría De La Literatura Y Literatura Comparada, (19), 40–56. Retrieved from