On Central American Climatic Fictions: «Abel» by Ana Cristina Rossi



climate fiction, ecology, Anthropocene, Capitalocene, colonialism, ecofeminism


This article aims to analyze the story «Abel», part of the book Lunas en vez de sombras y otros relatos de ciencia ficción by the Costa Rican writer Anacristina Rossi (San José, 1952) from a perspective that involves elements of climate fiction and ecofeminism. To this effect, Rossi’s text will be discussed in dialogue with theories by authors such as Silvia Kurlat Ares, Timothy Morton, Valentí Rull, Anne Primavesi, Jason W. Moore, Eileen Crist, Aníbal Quijano, and LaDanta LasCanta, amongst others. The close implication of Judeo-Christian religious discourse with regards to the construction of an apocalyptic/post-apocalyptic scenario in the collective imaginary and the subjection of nature and women by our capitalist/heteropatriarchal society is also touched on.



How to Cite

Leandro Hernández, L. (2019). On Central American Climatic Fictions: «Abel» by Ana Cristina Rossi. 452ºF. Revista De Teoría De La Literatura Y Literatura Comparada, (21), 106–124. Retrieved from https://revistes.ub.edu/index.php/452f/article/view/27696