Kingdom: Postdramatic, political theatre?


  • Marta Duran Arranz Grau d'Estudis Literaris, Facultat de Filologia, Universitat de Barcelona


Agrupación Señor Serrano, Kingdom, Postdramatic theatre, Political theatre, New tendencies


With the theatre play Kingdom (2018) by Agrupación Señor Serrano as a starting point, the article will analyse the tension between Hans-Thies Lehmann’s term “postdramatic theatre” and the actuality and appropriateness of political theatre. First, it will o er an operational de nition of “political theatre,” taking into account two axes —form and content—, as well as the dialectical relationship between them. The next section will defend the choice to frame Kingdom within the postdramatic paradigm as a result of its semiotic density; this section will be followed by an analysis of the play. Hereafter, the article will identify the connotations of the label “postdramatic theatre” in the current Catalan context. To conclude, the article will argue for the existence of a subversive label in the Catalan scene, the so-called “new tendencies”, and for the re-classi cation of Kingdom under it. 

Author Biography

Marta Duran Arranz, Grau d'Estudis Literaris, Facultat de Filologia, Universitat de Barcelona

Estudiant del grau d'Estudis Literaris (2014-2019)




How to Cite

Duran Arranz, M. (2020). Kingdom: Postdramatic, political theatre?. 452ºF. Revista De Teoría De La Literatura Y Literatura Comparada, (22), 79–95. Retrieved from