Transcorporeality in the Zombie Narrative. VenganZa by Gemma Herrero Virto as Case Study




zombie, positive monster, transbody, youth literature


The zombie universe seduces, first, because it is a (counter) cultural metaphor of the other par excellence, of its exclusion. Second, like the transgender body, it undermines transcendent naturalized norms governed by binary logic. The Z body is a transbody that challenges the heteronormative framework of our lives and transgresses the basic foundations of gender, race, social class, etc. The zombie is an implacable presence that forces one to conceive of a post-gender world (Haraway) and to envisage the damage done to the other beyond easy solutions (such as the visibility of victims) or symbolic explanations of guilt without effective reparation. In this paper, we focus on the zombie figure and its metaphorical meanings in wide-ranging youth literature from the perspective of gender and exclusion as well as new, other possible forms of community.



How to Cite

Pietrak, M. (2021). Transcorporeality in the Zombie Narrative. VenganZa by Gemma Herrero Virto as Case Study. 452ºF. Revista De Teoría De La Literatura Y Literatura Comparada, (24), 16–28.