Science Fiction and Fantasy in Refugee Narratives: A Subversive Vision in the Respresentation of Gender and Socieconomic Systems in Exit West and Carnival Row




refugee, fiction, estrangement, gender, fantastic, science fiction


This article focuses on how the hybridization of genres like magical realism, fantasy and science fiction in Exit West and Carnival Row serves to narrate the journeys of refugees and also to provide a critical and even subversive vision of the capitalist, colonialist and patriarchal systems. The resulting estrangement serves to emphasize key objects and to break usual perceptions. Furthermore, both works share a common representation of refugee women characterized by a high degree of independence, strength and capability for leadership, thus defying social constraints.

Author Biography

Alicia Valverde Velasco, Universidad de Almería

Doctora en Estudios Superiores de Lingüística y Literatura (Universidad de Almería) y profesora asociada en el Área de Teoría de la Literatura (Departamento de Filología) de la Universidad de Almería, he realizado publicaciones sobre teoría del relato corto, literatura digital y análisis semiótico en el campo de la narrativa.



How to Cite

Valverde Velasco, A. (2021). Science Fiction and Fantasy in Refugee Narratives: A Subversive Vision in the Respresentation of Gender and Socieconomic Systems in Exit West and Carnival Row. 452ºF. Revista De Teoría De La Literatura Y Literatura Comparada, (24), 99–114.