Exile as a Site for Enunciation in Sarrionandia’s Work: Silence and Searching in Contrapuntist Writing


  • Nerea Eizagirre-Telleria University of Nevada, Reno




Sarrionandia, exile, Said, counterpoint, postcolonial, estrangement


This article reflects on the paradoxical conceptualization of exile according to Said, and it expands the analysis with reflections by Joseba Sarrionandia. Throughout Sarrionandia´s oeuvre, there is an intellectual journey toward the ontological position of exile. Silence and the searching for a new language are two transitions of the sarrionandian journey, reaching the creation of a writing style capable of expressing the marginal and dissident perspective of exile as a paradigm. The last part of the article focuses on the essay Moroak gara behelaino artean?, in order to understand the main characteristic of Sarrionandia’s contrapuntist writing style.



How to Cite

Eizagirre-Telleria, N. (2022). Exile as a Site for Enunciation in Sarrionandia’s Work: Silence and Searching in Contrapuntist Writing. 452ºF. Revista De Teoría De La Literatura Y Literatura Comparada, (26), 44–62. https://doi.org/10.1344/452f.2022.26.4