When the Music No Longer Speaks the Text: A Poem by Francisco Pino as an Entryway to Experimental Spanish Poetry


  • Diego Zorita Arroyo Universidad Autónoma de Madrid




Spanish experimental poetry, Francisco Pino, lyric, medium, sound


Francisco Pino’s poetry has received scant critical attention despite its central importance for a correct comprehension of Spanish experimental poetry. In this article, I examine one of his poems from 1969 «Lírica que se vuelve económica». Túa Blesa’s interpretation of the poem in his Logofagias did not address the radical questioning of the tradition of the lyric present in the poem. This article revises Blesa’s interpretation and offers an alternative take on its silencing mechanisms, which do not refer to the experience of the poet but to the material mediations which have defined our common sense about what is poetry. In this light, «Lírica que se vuelve económica» constitutes an outstanding reading guide to understand the experimental poetical works of late-Francoism.



How to Cite

Zorita Arroyo, D. (2022). When the Music No Longer Speaks the Text: A Poem by Francisco Pino as an Entryway to Experimental Spanish Poetry. 452ºF. Revista De Teoría De La Literatura Y Literatura Comparada, (27), 261–276. https://doi.org/10.1344/452f.2022.27.14