Un-mother: Melancholy of Language in Trilce


  • Juan de Miquel Universidad Pompeu Fabra




Trilce, César Vallejo, melancholy, Kristeva, crisis of language, infancy


This article suggests an interpretation of the problem of language in César Vallejo’s Trilce based on the concept of «melancholy» as it has been developed by Kristeva. Specifically, parting from an understanding of «absence» as a requisite for Western semiotic operations, we will attempt to show in which sense the loss of the «mother» (or what Kristeva would call the «Thing») is, as a poetic topic (that is, not as the «author’s» but as the text’s mourning), inseparable from the Trilcean crisis of language. In the same way, we will turn to Agamben’s notion of «infancy» to delve into the conflict through which the Trilcean voice refuses, in its mourning, to establish itself as a subject of discourse, without, however, indulging in mute experience.



How to Cite

de Miquel, J. (2022). Un-mother: Melancholy of Language in Trilce. 452ºF. Revista De Teoría De La Literatura Y Literatura Comparada, (27), 297–311. https://doi.org/10.1344/452f.2022.27.16