À perte de vue. Políticas de la visión en colectivos postautoriales





comité invisible, clandestinidad, biopolítica, espectro, deconstrucción


This study analyzes the place of visibility in the development of the Comité Invisible's thought from L'insurrection qui vient to Maintenant. It tries to frame the aesthetic-political proposal of this post-authorial collective in the biopolitical drifts of the late twentieth and early twenty-first century, to show a first alignment of the Comité with authors like Guy Debord or Gilles Deleuze, where clandestinity is a strategy to become ungovernable, and then to point out a problematic shift towards a vindication of presence and recognition. From positions akin to deconstruction and the thought of Jacques Derrida in the 1990s, this paper will try to question this intellectual evolution and assess the extent of dissidence in the politics of visibility of this collective.

Author Biography

Juan Evaristo Valls Boix, Universitat de Barcelona

Profesor asociado

Departamento de Filosofía

Universitat de Barcelona

c/Montalegre, 6, 4º, despacho 4011

08001 Barcelona



How to Cite

Valls Boix, J. E. (2022). À perte de vue. Políticas de la visión en colectivos postautoriales. 452ºF. Revista De Teoría De La Literatura Y Literatura Comparada, (27), 383–390. https://doi.org/10.1344/452f.2022.27.21