“¿Qué más iba a hacer la pobre?” From Martín Fierro to China Iron: Re-Writing the Discourses that Founded the Argentine Nation





Argentina, 19th century, China Iron, nation, women, kinship


This article contrasts the discourses that founded the Argentine Nation in the 19th century with those proposed by Gabriela Cabezón Cámara’s novel The Adventures of China Iron, where she switches the foundational narrative from Martín Fierro’s perspective to his wife’s, China Iron. The article reflects on the cultural intelligibility that defines our lives, on how these epistemologies are socially constructed and historically transformed, and on the conditions of possibility that would enable more fluid ways to subjectivize ourselves, relate to each other, and organize as a community.

Author Biography

Daniela Dorfman, LICH-UNSAM

Investigadora, Doctora en Literaturas Hispánicas por Boston University



How to Cite

Dorfman, D. (2023). “¿Qué más iba a hacer la pobre?” From Martín Fierro to China Iron: Re-Writing the Discourses that Founded the Argentine Nation. 452ºF. Revista De Teoría De La Literatura Y Literatura Comparada, (28), 138–157. https://doi.org/10.1344/452f.2023.28.8