The Fabric of Language: Tomás Saraceno and the Construction of an Arachnid, Haptic, Geological Universalism


  • Luz Horne Universidad de San Andrés, Buenos Aires



Posthumanisms, Saraceno, Tomás, Latin-American Art, Anthropocene, Environmental Humanities, Art and Spiders


In La communauté terrestre, Achille Mbembe argues that we are living in a new era in which, for the first time in history, it will not be possible to establish political boundaries regarding the toxicity of the water we drink and the air we breathe. This shared destiny calls for the invention of a new terrestrial language. This essay takes up the artistic project of Tomás Saraceno and, focusing on his exhibitions involving spiders, examines the project that emerges from them: Arachnophilia, a multidisciplinary network of research on spiders. In these works, a new kind of universalism emerges that, far from conceptual abstraction, resorts to the material, the sensitive, the haptic, and the vibrational to name that which is common and interspecies. Thus, a new language emerges —a textile language, a geological language— and the aesthetic (sensitive) sphere becomes a philosophical-political site from which to conceive the terrestrial community.



How to Cite

Horne, L. (2024). The Fabric of Language: Tomás Saraceno and the Construction of an Arachnid, Haptic, Geological Universalism. 452ºF. Revista De Teoría De La Literatura Y Literatura Comparada, (30), 54–69.