Álvaro Cunqueiro and the Defense of the Self-sufficiency of Art. An Approximation during the Sixties, in <i>Destino</i>


  • Blanca Ripoll Sintes Universitat de Barcelona (UB)



Paraules clau:

Álvaro Cunqueiro, Guillermo Díaz-Plaja, journalism, literary criticism, Spanish post-war novel


Although Álvaro Cunqueiro had worked closely as a writer in the weekly magazine Destino during the early Spanish post-war period, it was not until the sixties that he was once again present in Destino’s cultural pages. It was then, during the last throes of social realism in Spanish literature, that Destino held up the example of Cunqueiro as an alternative literary trend. In this study, we will analyse how Catalan literary critics (Guillermo Díaz-Plaja, Antonio Vilanova, Néstor Luján and Joan Perucho) defended the Galician writer’s work through the pages of Destino.


Com citar

Ripoll Sintes, B. (2012). Álvaro Cunqueiro and the Defense of the Self-sufficiency of Art. An Approximation during the Sixties, in &lt;i&gt;Destino&lt;/i&gt;. Abriu: Estudis De Textualitat De Brasil, Galícia I Portugal, (1), 37–50. https://doi.org/10.1344/abriu2012.1.103