Ethics and code of conduct

Ethics and code of conduct

The Universitat de Barcelona promotes the publication of open-access digital journals and ensures the transmission of quality and rigorous scientific knowledge. It is also committed to ensuring the ethics of the articles it publishes, taking as a reference the Code of Conduct and Best Practices for Editors of Scientific Journals defined by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). It is essential that all parties involved in the editing process - editors, reviewers, and authors - are aware of and abide by the principles of this code.

Editorial team

Is responsible for the decision whether or not to publish in the journal the articles received, which are reviewed without regard to race, sex, sexual orientation, religion, ethnicity, country of origin, citizenship, or political orientation of the authors.

It publishes updated guidelines on the responsibilities of authors and the characteristics of papers submitted to the journal, as well as on the refereeing system used to select articles and the evaluation criteria to be applied by external evaluators.

It undertakes to publish the necessary corrections, clarifications, and apologies if it deems appropriate, and not to use the articles received for its research work without the consent of its authors.

It guarantees the confidentiality of the evaluation process, which includes the anonymity of the evaluators and authors, the content that is evaluated, the report issued by the evaluators, and any other communication made by the committees (editorial, advisory and scientific). Likewise, it will maintain confidentiality in the event of possible clarifications, claims, or complaints that an author wishes to send to the journal's committees or the evaluators of the article.

It declares its commitment to the respect and integrity of papers that have already been published.

It is particularly strict concerning plagiarism: texts identified as plagiarism will not be published and, if any of them are found to be plagiarized after publication, they will be removed from the journal. The journal will act as quickly as technically possible in such cases.

The authors

Are responsible for the content of their article.

Undertake to inform the editors of the journal if they detect a relevant error in one of their published articles so that the appropriate corrections can be made.

They guarantee that the article and associated materials are original and do not infringe the copyrights of third parties. In the case of co-authorship, they must justify that there is consent from all the authors concerned for the final version of the article to be published in a UB journal.

The persons in charge of the evaluation

They undertake to make an objective, informed, critical, constructive, and impartial review of the article. Acceptance or rejection is based solely on the relevance of the work, its originality, interest, and compliance with the style and content standards indicated in the editorial criteria.

They respect the established deadlines (if this is not possible, they must communicate this sufficiently in advance to the journal's management).

Do not share, disseminate or use the information of the articles submitted for review without the corresponding permission of the editor and/or authors.