(De) Showing culture: Political and cultural strategies of visibilization and claim in the Afroargentinian movement .


  • Alejandro Frigerio Universidad Católica Argentina/CONICET
  • Eva Lamborghini Universidad Católica Argentina/CONICET


Afro-Argentines, Multiculturalism, Political and cultural visibility.


Since the end of the 1990s, a small but dynamic afrodescendant so- cial movement has taken shape in Argentina, made possible by the growing importance of multicultural national narratives. The paper examines how África Vive, the Afro-Argentine activist organization that pioneered the current cycle of racially-based collective claims develops, together with its political activities, a strategy of cultural visibility. Theoretical views on multiculturalism that empha- sise its dangers and limitations are discussed, highlighting instead the activists’ agency and their creative use of multiple strategies in order to take advantage of this new structure of opportunities


