Indigenous territories on the border: The Chuj in the liberal period (1871-1944) on the Guatemala-Mexico border
State-Nation, Guatemala, México, Border, Privatization of indigenous land, Expansion of agricultural frontiersAbstract
The following presents the case of the Mayan Chuj and their territory, located at the Guatemala-Mexico borderline, focusing on the times of the Guatemalan liberal period (1871-1944). During which a regional space reshaping occurs, where the Chuj peoples lose lands and rights beginning with several processes driven from the same Guatemalan State. Municipal power control is added to these facts from the stand point of the role played by the Ladino population (mestizos of low income) who come to settle in the municipal head cities. The whole of these measures produced serious space-social breakdowns in the management and representation of the Chuj territoriesDownloads
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