Dossier's Presentation: Power structures. An analysis of the relations of political power and economic groups in the American continent in the 19th and 20th Centuries


  • María Antonia Peña Guerrero Universidad de Huelva
  • Manuel Talamante Pérez


The aim of this compilation is to check if the strategies and the functioning of the structures studied from the micro and local level have the same characteristics and application in the Americas.Analyzing the relations between the formation of economic networks and political networks will also allow us to see the links that were established both in the formation of the new States and in the consolidation of the new systems that took place throughout the 19th century in the Americas, and continued throughout the 20th century.

Author Biographies

María Antonia Peña Guerrero, Universidad de Huelva

Catedrática de Historia Contemporánea, especialista en Historia Comparada de Europa y América Latina 

Manuel Talamante Pérez

Contractuel Université Champollion (Albi) y antiguo "Allocataire Coopération Internationale du Ministère de l’Education Nationale, de l’Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche" con centro asociado de la Casa de Velázquez y la Universidad Jean Jaurès Toulouse (UMR 5136 France Méridionale et Espagne FRAMESPA y Escuela Doctoral TESC)




