Dynamics of contentious politics in Manabí, Ecuador: the relation of the Marginal Rural Development Fund (FODERUMA) with the Provincial Union of Peasant Organizations of Manabí (UPOCAM), 1972-1979
UPOCAM, FODERUMA, contienda política, movimiento campesino, pequeña propiedad campesina, ManabíAbstract
This article deals with the process of political conflict that was generated in the province of Manabí, Ecuador, during the final years of the 1970s between the Provincial Union of Peasant Organizations of Manabí (UPOCAM) and the Marginal Rural Development Fund (FODERUMA). The hypothesis of the research, which uses the concept of political conflict to explain the social phenomenon in question, is that after the change in the state model that occurred in Ecuador between 1976 and 1979, the organic relationship that UPOCAM had with FODERUMA broke, thus generating a dispute process between these two organizations.
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