Jurisdiction and Penal Execution. The Prison: an institutional contradiction


  • Luigi Ferrajoli


The work first examines the nature of the so called "jurisdiction of the penal execution" to question the true status of it to rule on specific acts of persons deprived of their liberty, but about ways of being subjective. Second, the article questions the possibility that inside prison can give an effective respect for fundamental rights of persons deprived of their liberty. Thus, the paper proposes some concrete measures towards a gradual overcoming of the custodial option to reduce being replaced by less harmful to the dignity of persons.

Author Biography

Luigi Ferrajoli

És Màster en Sistema Penal i Problemes Socials per la Universitat de Barcelona (2008) així com European Màster en Critical Criminology pel Common Study Programme on Criminal Justice and Critical Criminology (2009). És membre de l'Observatori del Sistema Penal i els Drets Humans i actualment és becari d'investigació FI de la Generalitat de Catalunya vinculat al Departament de Penal i Ciències Penals de la UB on realitza el doctorat en Dret i Ciència Política amb especialitat en Sociologia jurídic-penal.





Research Papers