Depathologize. Defying the establishment


  • Monica Vul Universidad de Costa Rica


There are certain contemporary discourses that exert a social control over the subject through classification and labeling. To identify and to fight the abnormal is the political proposal, in a current situation where the normative-legal discourse reign supreme. To label and to classify someone is enough for the machinery of segregation to start up. We can understand segregation as a construction that covers at least three sets of practices: 1) symbolic or real confinement, 2) to include through exclusion; 3) violence against singularity and all otherness marks. Marie Pierre Jaury’s documentary film L'enfance sous contrôle will be used to show how the discussion has taken a misdirection: to understand the violence and the germ of crime from genetics to politics, violence against children and the ability to predict its genetic, cerebral and biological causes. Prevention and early intervention based on a deterministic conception of children, a paradox that shows that, the more we want them to be homogenized, the more violence we will find against the subjectivity in the normalizing practices, against children and young people reduced to their dimension of object of the medical, pedagogical, psychiatric, legal violence.

Author Biography

Monica Vul, Universidad de Costa Rica

És Màster en Sistema Penal i Problemes Socials per la Universitat de Barcelona (2008) així com European Màster en Critical Criminology pel Common Study Programme on Criminal Justice and Critical Criminology (2009). És membre de l'Observatori del Sistema Penal i els Drets Humans i actualment és becari d'investigació FI de la Generalitat de Catalunya vinculat al Departament de Penal i Ciències Penals de la UB on realitza el doctorat en Dret i Ciència Política amb especialitat en Sociologia jurídic-penal.





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