The prostitution regulations in town halls: a fictitious citizen security technique


  • Encarna Bodelón González UAB
  • Paula Arce Becerra


The new regulations on prostitution provided by the municipal ordinances during the last 10 years, have shaped certain forms of sexual work as a problem of public security, within a fake discurse on civism and sexual exploitation. The new law on citizenship's security has aggravated this situation, opening new possibilities for administrative sanctions for certain types of prostitution.

The article aims to analyse how human rights are being vulnerated in the local context, taking into account the gender impact. In particular, the article studies how the human rights of people exercising prostitution in the strees of Barcelona are limited or violated.

This article presents some results coming from the research project: "The development of fundamental rights in the local ordinances: limits and violations of rights from a gender perspective", under the State Program of research, Development and Innovation orientated to Social Challenges. RDT projects.





La prostitución y el derecho: ordenanzas municipales y sanción de la prostitución