The prostitution legal framework and its different ideological models


  • Alba Molina Montero UAB


The aim of this article is to analyse the different ideological models from which it is possible to address the issue of prostitution. These models are the prohibitionist, the abolitionist, the legalist and the regulated, and as the tendency has changed along the years, there is not an uniform trend nowadays. Equally, it is analysed the legal framework where this practice takes place in the Spanish legal system, which is regulated by the Spanish Penal Code, the organic law -4/2015- of civic protection and the local ordinances, as well as by the international legal system. This way, it is possible to unite the unfocused Spanish legal system in which the practice of prostitution takes place, understanding its context and its main ideological trends.





La prostitución y el derecho: ordenanzas municipales y sanción de la prostitución